Project Background
Need a place for him self and need place to rent like boarding
Exterior Renderings
another alternatif
Just some color choice
bird View
Floor Plan
Ground Floor
Elevation Plan
Front & back View
Section Plan
Section view include interior
Architectural Design Description
Green architecture concep aplied with vertikal garden and another aplied for efisiensi
Structure Design Guide/Overview
The foundation structure uses a concrete footing foundation with river stone foundation as the foundation for the sloef, Sloef, columns, beams and ringbalk using K.250 concrete, while the roof frame uses zincalume lightweight steel frame and the roof covering is the UPVC Alderon trimdeck RS roof
Building Electrical Design Guide/Overview
The electrical system is for each rented room a separate meter is made and adjusted to the needs where the source of electricity is from PLN
Water Supply and Drainage Design Guide/Overview
The clean water system is water flowing into the tank which was previously filtered first then distributed via a water purifier throughout the building, used water, dirty water and rain water are first absorbed into the ground and the rest into the city sewage canals.
HVAC Design Guide/Overview
In addition to opening doors and windows, small ventilation is also used for ventilation, the lighting system is to maximize natural lighting by using hot glass, while the air conditioner is only a socket point.
Estimated Investment
Estimate for one point 4 billion
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