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Design Service Provider: James Okechukwu Go to Homepage >>
Office Location: Owerri, Imo, Nigeria, West Africa
Likes for Design Service: 0Likes
Project Name: Fountain Falls Hotels and resort
Design Service Type: Glass Curtain Wall Design
Project Type: Resort Hotel
Project Status: Not Started
Project Location: Owerri, Imo, Nigeria, West Africa
Style: Modernism Style
Project Grade: Simple (2Star-level)
Project Background
This design was initiated when the problem of how to get people to stay in a place and not dexiring to leave the place no less than a week or more than that,... So we had tocreate something that contained almost what a regular, rich and the powerful citizens of a country would need to make them comfortable for as long as possible, znd as such,... Fountain Falls hotel.
Scheme Design
What did nature give to man that se cannot do without and even when we have it, we will like to have it to our satisfaction before we let it go,... Then I found my answer as the element that gives life. Now how do I represent this form as to a building, that was when a drop of water from my jar fdll into my tea cup, and there, that was my concdptual form and I already had my concept zs satisfaction.
The view of the building project from the site area with its planned vegetation.
View of the full building with adjoining buildings surroundung it.
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