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Design Service Provider: Zeeshan Haider Go to Homepage >>
Office Location: Mithapur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, South Asia
Likes for Design Service: Likes
Project Name: classroom idea for high school bright and beautiful
Design Service Type: Interior Furnishing
Project Type: Elementary and Middle School
Design Completion Year: 2024
Total Floor Area: 30 m²
Project Status: Project Completed
Project Location: Pakistan Islamabad Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan, South Asia
Style: Modernism Style
Project Grade: Luxury (4Star-level)
Project Background
Design an engaging classroom environment that fosters creativity and active learning with dynamic layouts and interactive elements.
School - Classroom
Integrate technology seamlessly to enhance lessons and facilitate modern, interactive learning experiences.
Ensure ample storage solutions to keep classroom materials organized and easily accessible for both students and teachers.
Project Photos (Design Landed)
Incorporate flexible seating arrangements to accommodate different teaching styles and group activities.
Utilize bright, stimulating colors and educational displays to create an inspiring and motivating space for students.
3D White Model(Photo)
Create a welcoming atmosphere with comfortable furnishings and thoughtful design elements that promote focus and collaboration.
Contents above are uploaded by the design service provider
以上内容均由Zeeshan Haider上传
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