Project Background
Being the capstone project of my thesis
which was about “Biodesign assisted by Algorithms, It had to experiement all the ideas of biodesign through the parametric tool.
The site plan was designed around existing
trees in order to keep them while adding
new natural elements to the site and making
them the focus of the project. Moreover, the
building took a natural organic form while
still being able to house orthogonal interiors
and also being able to control the quantity
of light ente
Project Aerial View
Being the capstone project of my thesis
which was about “Biodesign assisted by Algorithms, It had to experiement all the ideas of biodesign through the parametric tool.
The site plan was designed around existing
trees in order to keep them while adding
new natural elements to the site and making
them the focus of the project. Moreover, the
building took a natural organic form while
still being able to house orthogonal interiors
and also being able to control the quantity
of light ente
Being the capstone project of my thesis
which was about “Biodesign assisted by Algorithms, It had to experiement all the ideas of biodesign through the parametric tool.
The site plan was designed around existing
trees in order to keep them while adding
new natural elements to the site and making
them the focus of the project. Moreover, the
building took a natural organic form while
still being able to house orthogonal interiors
and also being able to control the quantity
of light ente
Being the capstone project of my thesis
which was about “Biodesign assisted by Algorithms, It had to experiement all the ideas of biodesign through the parametric tool.
The site plan was designed around existing
trees in order to keep them while adding
new natural elements to the site and making
them the focus of the project. Moreover, the
building took a natural organic form while
still being able to house orthogonal interiors
and also being able to control the quantity
of light ente
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