Project Background
The CAI (Child care center) aims to strengthen the student environment for minors in an inclusive and accessible way for all sectors that encompass economic, political and social aspects. Interior design is essential when evoking learning spaces for both students and teachers, since facilities in public schools are considered deficient, falling short of what is required and not giving importance to the value of these sanctuaries.
Spatial Composition
In the spatial composition, a linear route is proposed that functions as a hygienic filter for the personnel who are in contact with the infants. Starting with the access hallway where the reception, locker area and maternity room are located. After this is the exterior corridor through which the three buildings and the exterior play spaces are connected. Building A and B have three classrooms while building C has the dining room and kitchen.
Materials & Processing Technology
The materials were sought to have a smooth and slightly abrasive finish. For the infant classroom, tatami-type carpet was used so that children could crawl through the space without getting hurt, while in the nursery classrooms, ceramic tile was used to facilitate cleaning. In both spaces, fabric-textured wallpaper was used on the window sills to prevent potential injuries. For security and privacy reasons, a vinyl glass film with figures from different types of stories was used on the windows.
Floor Plan
Presentation floor plan
Floor plan
Interior Renderings
Infant classroom A
Infant classroom A
Infant classroom B
Infant classroom B
Nursery classroom A
Nursery classroom A
Nursery classroom B
Nursery classroom B
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