Orbita is one of reputable card operated lock and hotel locking systems manufacturers for the hospitality industry in China, established to offer the best quality products with professional and effective service to our customers. Orbita series of product is a product of years of experience integrated with the advanced technology from Siemens,Dallas.Atmel.Philip etc.the cooperation with Fidelio and other popular PMS system has just enabled our locking system to a wide range of compatibility. More than 5000 hotels, resorts and cruise ships in 100 countries in the world are using our card locks, digital safes and other satisfactory hotel intelligent accessories that have been becoming another attractive point for the hotel. Orbita believes that every customer is a customer for life. Producing products of fine quality with our experience and knowledge is our source of pride and customer’s satisfaction is our only criterion in service.
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Service Area:Provide services for 41 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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