ENGINEERING-CYCLE provides a complete spectrum of Services in Design, Engineering & Management of any phase in a project life cycle, starting studies, to conceptual design, permits, reaching detailed design, execution drawings & technical support, supervision, or management of the project.
ENGINEERING-CYCLE stands as a solid partner to developers, designers, contractors as well as to end user & landlords and replies to their needs as different stake holders within a project.
Whether we are designing the concept to a developer, preparing tender packages from concept, providing detailed design development to a designer, supporting a contractor with technical submittals & shop drawings, supervising construction, or managing it on the behalf of owner,
ENGINEERING-CYCLE delivers its scope professionally knowing well the terms and liability of each phase of service for the different stakeholder.
DESIGN Our Design expertise covers several sectors from Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Educational, Health care, to Infra structure, Landscaping and Urban planning. and is manifested in all relevant trades of Architecture, Landscaping, Urban planning, Interior design, Civil, & Electromechanical.
ENGINEERING As a solid partner to contractors, we act as the engineering back office which provides all the coordinated engineering deliverable needed to secure consultant's approval towards a professional execution of any project under international standards and with a high level of accuracy and quality control.
Projects we participated in over the last decade are internationally recognized as landmarks in the M.E.N.A region.
SUPERVISION Our experienced supervision team is composed of certified and accredited engineers and quality inspectors able to professionally handle the supervision of construction activities smoothly avoiding the classical time losing scenarios and conflict rising with contractors, always targeting the benefit of the project and our client.
this smooth handling potential comes with a full knowledge of both construction challenges and client rights & benefits in a project.
MANAGEMENT From the early feasibility study phase, till the operational cost control of construction and management of contracts, we represent our client and their rights with full dedication and professional manner all through the life cycle of a project.
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Design Service Type
Design Service Type:Architecture Planning and Schematic Design (Floor Plan, Elevation, Section, Renderings)
Business Hotel
Resort Hotel
Office Building
Complex Building
Commercial Complex
Shopping Mall
Exhibition Center
Concert Hall
Language (Spoken):
English, French, Arabic
Language (Written):
English, French, Arabic
Service Area:
Provide services for 235
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