Home Design Requirement Looking for architectural design for one building (there is shopping mall in it), 400sqm, you can see from my attachment


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Requirement No: 16729084848638507560 Published on: 2023-01-06 11:03:58 0 留言给他
Looking for architectural design for one building (there is shopping mall in it), 400sqm, you can see from my attachment
Design Service Type: Architecture Planning and Schematic Design (Floor Plan, Elevation, Section, Renderings)
Drawing Type:
Project Type: Shopping Mall
Project Location: Tripoli, Libya, North Africa
Total Floor Area: 400 m²
Project Grade: Exquisite (3Star-level)
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Design Description:
I have 72,000sqm land I need an architectural design for one building,you can see my attachment, that;s what i need, not need to same, similar is ok I need the size of the building 20*20*10. it means it's 400 sqm and the height is 10 meters My budget for this building is 150,000usd About the materials I need it to look the same as this without expensive materials, The shape is the same as the attachment It might be super market or a company in it , i need to for rent. The supermarket is about two floors. It also about 400 sqm. About rooms, I don't have decision how many each floor, may be you can give me some suggestion when finish.May be there is one office in the second floor. I would like to know how much does that costs me
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Status: Closed Intention Submitted: 5/5 Submission Deadline: 2023-02-05 11:03:58
Intention List (5)
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2023-01-08 14:02:12
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