Home Design Requirement Need 116sqm interior design for laundry shop, one storey , Italian language


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Requirement No: 16750738627713337155 Published on: 2023-01-30 18:31:09 0 留言给他
Need 116sqm interior design for laundry shop, one storey , Italian language
Design Service Type: Interior Decoration Design (Floor Plan Layout, Renderings, Construction Drawings)
Drawing Type:
Project Type: Commercial Spaces-General Store
Project Location: Abruzzo, Italy, Southern Europe
Total Floor Area: 116 m²
Project Grade: Simple (2Star-level)
Language (Spoken):
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Design Description:
Need 116sqm interior design for laundry shop, one storey .I speak some English but mainly use the Italian language. we are planning to build two container laundry shops and one 70sqm independent laundry shop. Pls check the attached. Each container will have 23sqm interior, so total size is 116sqm (23+23+70). Two containers, double box one for the machines, one for the chairs and tables and the toilet space. Attached is the floor plan and the container we prefer for using English or American windows. Look forward to your quote. Thanks
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Status: Closed Intention Submitted: 2/2 Submission Deadline: 2023-03-01 18:31:09
Intention List (2)
Time Quoted
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2023-02-02 23:53:50
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2023-02-02 00:15:18
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