Home Design Requirement Architecture Schematic Design for 4,200㎡ Shopping Mall


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Requirement No: 17116129706853247269 Published on: 2024-03-28 16:26:53
Ordinary Architecture Schematic Design for 4,200㎡ Shopping Mall
Design Service Type: Architecture Planning and Schematic Design (Floor Plan, Elevation, Section, Renderings)
Drawing Type:
Project Type: Shopping Mall
Project Location: Western, Gambia, West Africa
Total Floor Area: 4,200 m²
Project Grade: Ultra-luxury (5Star-level)
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Design Description:
Description: Need the design for the Shopping Mall with Hotel. we have land area is 74,000sq meters to 100,000sqm. A 700sqm per floor,6 floors. totally building area is 4200sqm. It's a commercial Shopping Mall for all Industry: food, fashion, cosmetic, textile, electronics, financial services, banks, and construction, home products etc and operates 24/7 in every capital city and it's called "Hallmarks" I want 6 floors because last two floors should be a 5 star Royal Residence Hotel for Guests and VIP accomodation and events too with conference facilities especially promoting Global Trade and Commerce Shopping Mall with Hotel. 6 floors. Last two floors for VIP Royal Resident Hotel. All Industry Shopping Mall with shops and boutique, restaurants, Clinics, Centers and 24/7 facilities. With Travel Agents, Tour operators, Cargo and Airline services, VIP Services etc. A regional Mall for all countries to promote inter-regional trade. Branded shops and boutiques from all over the World, financial services, credit card companies and free support services and information services and citizens advisory services, skills centers and job markets etc.
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Status: Expired
Intention Submitted: 5/5
Submission Deadline: 2024-05-03 00:00:00
Intention List (5)
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