Home Design Requirement Interior Furnishing for 1,404 ㎡ Apartment Hotel


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Requirement No: 17410847716851860504 Published on: 2025-03-05 18:27:34
Ordinary Interior Furnishing for 1,404 ㎡ Apartment Hotel
Design Service Type: Interior Furnishing
Drawing Type:
Project Type: Apartment Hotel
Project Location: Abia, Nigeria, West Africa
Total Floor Area: 1,404 m²
Design Budget: USD 200 - 2000
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Design Description:
It is a short-term rental apartments, the structure is standing already and just got to finishing stage. We need an experienced interior designer that can give me bespoke and functionally cost effective space. We will furnish you with our as built drawings and interior decoration items with full details of dimensions and others. Area: 351sqm ,13 units of 1bed apartment and 3units of 2 bedrooms apartments. No of floor: 4 with ground floor Ground floor, First floor, second floor and pent floor Ground floor: Car park with reception and swimming pool.
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Status: Ongoing
Intention Submitted: 3/3
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United Arab Emirates
2025-03-21 02:37:42
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2025-03-19 00:16:30
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2025-03-11 16:08:26
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