Darekaou(Changzhou)Decorative Material Co,Ltd, a pioneering company at the forefront of eco-friendly development in the flooring and wall decorative industry. Established in 2005, we have rapidly evolved to become a global new decorative material leader, renowned for our commitment to sustainable practices and innovative product offerings. Operating in over 30 countries, our portfolio encompasses a diverse range of flooring and Wall solutions , including laminate flooring, SPC flooring, PU Stone, and Wall panels.In 2019, we proudly expanded our operations by inaugurating a branch in the United States, further solidifying our dedication to providing high-quality and environmentally responsible solutions to our growing international customer base. At Darekaou, we place a strong emphasis on quality and innovation, striving to deliver customer-oriented, convenient, and beneficial solutions that align with our vision of a green future. Join us on this journey towards a sustainable tomorrow, where quality and environmental responsibility converge seamlessly.
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
SPC Flooring,
Laminate Flooring,
Wall Panel
Language (Spoken):
Mandarin(Chinese), English, Spanish
Language (Written):
Chinese, English, Spanish
Service Area:Provide services for 236 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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