Founded in 1998, ZBOM HOME COLLECTION CO., LTD. is a pioneer of the kitchen cabinet industry in China. We specialize in research, design, fabrication and cabinetry sales. After 22 years of development, ZBOM is now one of the top kitchen cabinet manufacturers in the industry. ZBOM has 5 large-scale kitchen cabinet manufacturing bases in China with an area of 440,000 ㎡, capable of achieving an annual capacity of 6,000,000 cabinet sets. Our facility utilizes the German HOMAG intelligent automatic production line, providing us the ability to supply you with high-precision and high-quality products. ZBOM has established global strategic partnerships with more than 20 top brand suppliers, including Blum, Hettich, and Renolit. We purchase materials directly abroad to ensure consistently high-quality components. ZBOM currently has more than 1,800 showrooms and operates with a professional team of 20,000 staff. We provide customized services including integrated design, installation, and post-sale services. With the advantages of cutting-edge technology, our large scale, and fully trained sales network, our comprehensive strength positions us among the leaders in the industry. We have begun exportation since 2008 and have already completed hundreds of projects abroad. Through many years of experience, we have accumulated expert knowledge in exporting kitchen cabinets, vanities, and wardrobes at competitive price points to all commercial markets worldwide. We highly value relationships with our customers and we hope to be of service to you in the near future.
Company Information
Showroom Size:5000.0 m2
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Paint-free Cabinets
Language (Spoken):
Mandarin(Chinese), English
Language (Written):
Chinese, English
Service Area:Provide services for 236 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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