Introduction: Jiangsu Junyijia Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2017 and has its own brand "Junyijia". The company is located in Ningjiang Industrial Park, Xuzhou. The company has a leading production line and a professional work team. In terms of intellectual property rights, there are 6 registered trademarks and 11 patent information. Over the years, our products have been sold all over the country and exported to many countries. Deeply favored by customers at home and abroad, it has the qualification of overseas export and agent export, actively expands overseas markets, with an annual export volume of tens of millions. Domestic e-commerce ranks among the top products in Alibaba, Pinduoduo and Jingdong markets, and it is an AAA credit enterprise.
Company Information
Showroom Size:10000.0 m2
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Stacking Shelves
Language (Spoken):
Mandarin(Chinese), English
Language (Written):
Chinese, English
Service Area:Provide services for 236 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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