Innovate is specialized in manufacturing smart lock and access control over 17 years. Its main products include QR code lock, RF card lock, fingerprint password lock, cabinet lock, energy saving switch, access control, elevator control and other accessory products. These products are widely used in hotel, guest house, office, apartment, residence, gym and school. Innovate has a group of professional hardware engineers and software engineers, skilled workers and a rich number of advanced machines like die-casting machine, testing machine, laser printing machine, packing machine and etc. With its strong technical advantage, Innovate Company has the ability to develop and manufacture creative products which are well welcomed by the market. Its products are hot selling both at home and abroad, widely accept by countries like Italy, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Korea and etc. Innovate focused on providing good function, good quality and good service to our customers. Looking forward to corporate with you, please contact us for more details.
Company Information
Showroom Size:40.0 m2
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Guest Room Signage,
Wall Switch
Language (Spoken):
Mandarin(Chinese), English
Language (Written):
Chinese, English
Service Area:Provide services for 236 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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