In October 2002, the factory was built in Dongguan Qiaotou Town New Town Development Zone, and in May 2016, it was moved to the current location of Dongguan Enterprise Chengdong First Industrial Zone, and in 2019, it has completed the full automation of machinery and equipment Factory main business: production and processing of all kinds of domestic and imported stone (such as: marble, granite, SLATE, jade, etc.) Business development: to map to sample or according to customer demand design and matching stone and production process Products cover: all kinds of furniture countertops, kitchen counters, bathroom counters, stove cabinets, stone furniture and so on. Over the past 22 years, we have served nearly 200 customers in the Pearl River Delta and all over the world, exported to 30 countries and regions overseas, and are the suppliers of Meikemeijia.
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