ORINET ALUMINIUM, with Chinese name Shandong Xinyudong Aluminium Industry Co., Ltd., founded in 2002, is a large aluminum extrusion and fabricated products provincial backbone production enterprise. The Company has architectural aluminium production factory,industrial aluminium production factory and fabrication factory in the Dongcheng Development Zone Linqu Shandong Province, adjacent to the largest aluminium distribution center of Northern China, north by Jiaoji Railway and Jinan-Qingdao Expressway, south along the Weitai highway with excellent geographical location and regional advantages.
ORINET ALUMINIUM covers an area of 300,000 square meters with total assets of 760 million yuan and has 8 close-packed gas hot top with horizontal casting production lines, 22 domestic advanced level extrusion production lines, 8 anodizing production lines, 10 electrophoretic coating production lines, 2 powder coating production lines, 2 PVDF coating production lines, 6 insulation broken production lines.
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Building Aluminum Profile,
Aluminum Doors,
Aluminum Windows,
Aluminum Railing
Service Area:Provide services for 235 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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