Linyi jinbaoli wood industry, established in 2007, is located in linyi city lanshan yitang town.Covering an area of 12443 square meters, we have 10 finger-joint board production lines, 3 solid wood line production lines and 3 LVL production lines, with an annual production capacity of about 30,000 cubic meters.Existing staff of more than 350 people, more than 15 technicians, adhere to the "integrity and innovation" business philosophy is willing to establish long-term business relations with customers around the world.Full birch plywood, directional particieboard coated plywood, plywood, furniture, fancy plywood, fancy plywood, commercial plywood, wood veneer, melamine, melamine MDF, particle board, plywood, LVL, H20 beams, door skin and so on, are widely used in Bridges, Bridges, subway, ship and other construction projects;Interior and exterior decoration of furniture, kitchen cabinet, bed, sofa and ring.
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Wedge Joint Board,
Other Plate
Service Area:Provide services for 0 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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