About Pustar Dongguan Pustar Adhesives & Sealants Co., Ltd., located in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China, is a globally integrated company supplying specialty chemicals. We are leading in making polyurethane products used for sealing, bonding, waterproofness and protection in construction and automotive industries. About 300 employees ensure the quality and quantity of mass production. About Pustar Products Pustar Polyurethane adhesives and sealants have the features of wet solidifying and strong bonding. They are non-solvent, non-shrinking, non-flowing, waterproof, oil resistant, anti-aging and shock resistant, without corrosion and pollution to base materials and environment. They are widely used in the sealing and maintenance of all kinds of materials in vehicle body and front glass, mechanics, shipbuilding, astronomy, military, automobiles, large screens and decoration. We also manufacture constructive adhesives and sealants for distortion gaps, construction gaps, curtain walls, bricks and brands.
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