Established in 1954, Polygrace Group is specilized in manufacturing leather initially. Now we have Polyrace BONLIVING brand to identify Polygrace as the leader of upholstered furniture.We began to export sofa and leather to American and EU countries in early 1990s. The special crafts of PolyGrace Group applied in producing leather furniture are recognized as the most sophisticated techniques of the world. In 2002, the leather products used for the reconstruction of The Great Hall of the People were all from Polygrace. In 2005, our high-grade genuine leather sofas were introduced to the White House and became its selected products. In 2012 Polygrace was honoured again when the hall of the standing Committee was supplied with further seating.BONLIVING sofas are tastefully designed by renowned designers and skillfully produced by sophisticated workers. We only use the best quality materials in production: Ecologic self-supplying top grain leather to ensure a soft and comfortable touch; Fine polished stapled and glued birch solid wood frames to ensure safety and durability; Hand inserted finest steel serpentine springs to ensure maximum support and total comfort; Superior fire-resistant high density foams to ensure safety, durability and comfort. The combination of our unique leather, passion, and creativity with sofa design results in BONLIVING sofas of striking style, steadfast quality, lasting value and timeless appeal. We do believe that our superior and reasonable priced BONLIVING sofa will bring you a great business opportunity.Your prompt attention to us is much appreciated, and we look forward to cooperate with you soon.
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Business License:Audited
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Dining Chairs
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Mandarin(Chinese), English
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Chinese, English
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