Yuyao Wash Hardware Appliance Factory (VANNSOO), established in 2007, mainly produces soap dispensers, hard dryers, paper towel dispensers and other public bathroom products. VANNSOO has four complete production lines. Main facilities for production and quality testing include 12 punching machines, 3 oil hydraulic presses, 10 polishing machines, 3 ultrasonic cleaning machines, 3 welding machines and etc.VANNSOO, with a three technical person team, is very strong at R&D and can provide you with OEM/ODM service. Our products have been exported to Asia, Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia, South America, etc. VANNSOO Factory direct supply. Welcome to contact us for any business inquiries!
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Business License:Audited
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Toilets Accessories
Service Area:Provide services for 235 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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