Basic Information:1) Established in 19952) More than 150 workers3) Covering an area of 30,000 square meters4) 10 R&D engineers5) ISO9001:2008 certified6) One of the largest manufacturers in the industry in China Main Products:1) Outdoor furniture2) Wooden Crafts3) Home Deco furniture4) Baby/Kids furnitureProduct Features:Professional Quality, Excellent Service and Best PriceAlthough we are a young enterprise, we always emphasize developing new technologies and using new materials to improve the quality of our products.We believe a better living will start here. We will continue growing and working with all of our customers in the world and offering them high quality products, dependability and thoughtful customer services. We have kept implementing our tenet for over 6 years.
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Business License:Audited
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Movable Housing Furniture
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