GREENZONE,the creator of "Greenzone eco-wood,is the oriental people's living culture.since established in 1999,Greenzone always keep on pouring humanisticphilosophy of "Low Carbon and Environmental Protection,Ecological Architecture and Healthy Livign" to the research and development of products,and to the development stage.Our companyfocus on R&D, and then with the birth of "Greenzone Eco-wood",growed into a cpmpany which has its own unique character.After doing depth research to the market,Greenzone designed a unique product type.Via controlling the production formula and process,our company finally produced eco-wood products of "Greenzone wood"which is 100%recovery,multinomial and excellent comprehensive function and with all kinds of shape according to the quality management system of ISO9001 and environmental management system of ISO4001.A recycled circle froom strictly production to multi-channel marketing,then to caring cusomer services and finally back to the production of high-quality products,is actually a painstaking embodies which Greenzone did in everywhere.And all of those are just for the birth of superior products and the sharing to the crowd.Greenzone,the "good buider",never stop thinking and innovation,insist on low-carbon environment and spreading residential Aesthetics,is actually a long way to go.Greenzone will be fearless to go forward and write the new brilliancce.
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Business License:Audited
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WPC Flooring
Service Area:Provide services for 0 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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