Integrating design, production, sale and installation as a whole, we're specialized in providing high qualified public toilet partitions, Lockers and Decorative wall systems complying with ISO9001:2008 International Quality Management System standard. We have a powerful technical team and a modern production workshop, equipped by internationally advanced technology and devices. This enables us to provide superior-quality products and competitive prices to our clients. Our products have been widely welcomed by clients in Mainland China, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions all over the world. We have won a high reputation among clients. Since our foundation in 2001, we've been developing products with fashionable styles, classic appearance, outstanding quality and Exquisite craftsmanship. Our products enjoy Market Popularity and won the favor of clients. We take "customer-centric, service-oriented" as our belief. Our toilet partitions and Lockers of "JIALIFU" brand can be applied in public places, like shopping malls, office buildings, bus stations, hospitals, hotels, banks, airports, schools, factories, sports centers, government office buildings and clubs.
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Showroom Size:300.0 m2
Business License:Audited
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Wood & Plate
Service Area:Provide services for 0 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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