Welhome Group Limited was established in 2005,specializing in the manufacturing,designing and exporting of hospitality & event furniture.In 2008,our own soly-invested factory-Qingdao Welhome Co.,Ltd. was set up in the outskirts of Qingdao. Our products are being manufactured here, including wooden chiavari chair(tiffany chair),camelot chair,chateau chair,napoleon chair,folding chair,folding table , beer table set and so on.In addition,we also have more than 5 excellent affiliated factories as our hand-in-hand partners. Their products mainly include resin chiavari chairs ,polycarbonate chairs,HDPE folding tables,metal chiavari chairs, garden&outdoor furniture, trolleys, covers and cushions for chairs&tables,etc. So Welhome makes one-stop buying for customers come true.Welhome is looking forward to your enquiry and cooperation based on the business philosophy and concept: to ensure 100% customers' satisfaction by our 5A principles. Advanced machinery and mature craftmanship are the guarantee of high quality; Accurate cost control and strictly managed production procedure make the price as low as possible; Active communications with customers are to keep orders' situation updated; Ahead of time delivered and promptly documents passed on ensure customers to handle the cargo without any delay; Authenticated and verified by the 3rd party TUV is Welhome's best convincining.
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Business License:Audited
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Movable Housing Furniture
Service Area:Provide services for 0 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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